Sri Narada-pancaratra is an ancient Vaisnava literature that was compiled by Srila Vyasadeva. It deals with five branches of transcendental knowledge and was spoken by Lord Siva to the great sage Narada. Another name of this literature is Jnanamrtasara. The five types of knowledge described in this book are:
- Knowledge of the Absolute Truth
- Knowledge of Liberation
- Knowledge of Devotional Service
- Knowledge of Mystic Yoga, and
- Knowledge in the mode of ignorance.
The performance of both pious and impious activities are described in the Pancaratra.
As a yogi makes his mind suitable for samadhi by the practice of yama and niyama—the follower of the Pancaratra makes his heart suitable for the worship of Lord Vasudeva by the practice of regulative devotional service.
That is why the pancaratra system of religion is considered to be the preliminary stage of unalloyed devotional service to the Supreme Lord. Devotional service to Krishna in the mood of sänta (saint) and dasya (servant) is stressed in this literature. Pancaratra deals with the rules and regulations that are prescribed on the path of complete surrender to the Supreme Lord.

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN from Sri Narada-pancaratra
- "Whoever will be moistened or anointed with the water that has been sanctified by Tulasi leaves, will reap the benefits of having bathed in all the sacred rivers and performed all kinds of sacrifices.
- "Lord Hari will not be as pleased with the gift of a thousand jars of honey as with one Tulasi leaf.
- "Offering one such leaf as a gift will bring the same reward obtained by offering millions of cows.
- "If one offers Tulasi leaves during the month of Kartika, he gets the same rewards as those just mentioned.
- "If, at the time of death, one drinks or gets the Tulasi-leaf water, one will be freed of all his sins and proceed to Vaikuntha.
- "Whoever drinks the Tulasi-leaf water daily will be redeemed in his lifetime and receive the benefit of a dip in the Ganges.
- "Whoever plucks a Tulasi leaf, keeps it on his person, and then leaves his body in a holy place, will go to Visnuloka.
- "Anyone who worships Me with this leaf daily will reap the blessings of a hundred thousand horse sacrifices.
- "Anyone who leaves his body holding a Tulasi leaf in his hands will be saved from all sins.
- "Anyone who wears a necklace composed of Tulasi wood, will surely, at every step, get the reward of a horse sacrifice.
- "Whoever breaks his promise while holding the Tulasi leaf will go to the Kalsutra hell for as long as the sun and moon last.
- "Anyone who gives false evidence in the presence of the Tulasi leaf, will go to the Kumbhipaka hell for as long as the lifespans of fourteen Indras.
- "Whoever at the time of death drinks or gets a little Tulasi-leaf water will certainly proceed to Vaikuntha, leaving in a jewelled airplane.
- "Lord Hari will decapitate that person who, on the day of the new moon or the full moon, or on the twelfth or last day of the lunar month, or after being anointed with oil just before taking a bath, or at noon, night, daybreak or sundown, or in a state of impurity or in one's night dress--will cull or pluck the Tulasi leaf.
- "O chaste one, even if such a leaf is kept for three nights and becomes dry, it can still be employed in connection with funeral ceremonies, vows, gifts, consecration of temples and the worship of demigods.
- "If Tulasi leaves that were offered to Lord Visnu have fallen on the ground or on water are then properly washed, they may still be used for other sacred purposes.
- "You will always be the presiding deity of the Tulasi plant here on Earth, and at the same time you will always sport with Sri Krsna in solitude in Goloka. You will also be the presiding deity of the Gandaki River, and thereby shower India with religious merit. You will further be the wife of the ocean of salt, which is My partial expansion. O chaste goddess, you will always remain personally by My side and enjoy My company, as Lakshmi does.